General Sessions
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General Sessions

The aim of ICSA2016 is to present research and developments on the merging of architecture and structural engineering.

Prospective authors were invited to submit one page abstract, of no more than 500 words, before 28 of February 2015. The abstracts were submitted in the restricted area of ICSA2016 webpage in electronic form.

The abstracts are being subjected to a review process by at least two members of the conference scientific committee. The preliminary acceptance of abstracts will be notified to the corresponding authors by 15 of May 2015.

The proceedings will be published by Balkema (Taylor & Francis Group), including abook of extended two-page abstracts and a CD-ROM containing the full eight-page papers.These documents are due on 15 of November 2015 and they will be reviewed by the organizing committee. Acceptance will be notified before 15 of February 2016. 

Proceedings will be sent for indexation by both Thomson Reuters (Conference Proceedings Citation Index – ISI Proceedings) and Elsevier (Scopus and EI).

Author instructions to prepare the extended abstracts and the full papers and the copyright transfer form are available in:  or can bedownloaded from the following link:

Consent Form and Templates

Conference Themes

Each paper must explore the relation between the research and the thematic: Structures and Architecture.

Building envelopes / Facades

Comprehension of complex forms

Computer and experimental methods

Concept architectural buildings / Futuristic structures

Concrete and masonry structures

Educating architects and structural engineers

Emerging technologies

Glass structures

Innovative architectural and structural design

Lightweight and membrane structures

Special structures

Steel and composite structures

Structural design challenges

Tall buildings

The borderline between architecture and structuralengineering

The history of the relationship between architects andstructural engineers

The tectonic of architectural solutions

The use of new materials

Timber structures

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Last Update: Wednesday, 12.02.2025