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The conference will feature a number of stimulating keynote lectures by prominent experts.

Innovation in Architectural Steel 


Terri Meyer Boake   

BES, B.Arch, M.Arch,  
University of Waterloo   

 Ontario, Canada   

Past President of the Society of Building Science Educators ( Past President of the Building Technology Educators’ Society ( Web site:

Professor Boake holds a professional degree in Architecture from the University of Waterloo and a post professional degree in Architecture from the University of Toronto. She is a LEED Accredited Professional in sustainable building.

Terri Meyer Boake is a Full Professor of Architecture at the University of Waterloo, Cambridge,Ontario, Canada. She teaches in the area of Building Construction, AESS,Environmental Design and Film.

She works with the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction, through the Steel Structures Education Foundation, to develop interactive multimedia case studies to promote the teaching of steel construction in schools of architecture across Canada. She has written the “CISC Guide for Specifying Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel”. She has just finished a version of the guide for use in Australia and New Zealand.

She is in the midst of completing a web resource tool to assist students in the design of steel structures, with a focus on Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel.

Professor Boake has just published a book called “Understanding Steel Design: An Architectural Design Manual” for Birkhäuser. The book is completely illustrated by her own photographs and includes significant steel structures in Canada, the United States, England, Germany, China and France. She is currently completing a book called “Diagrid Structures: Systems, Connections, Details” due out early in 2014 and has started research for another publication called “Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel: Systems, Connections, Details” due out late in 2014. 

Bridges and Viaducts Between Engineering and Architecture 


Enzo Siviero   

Università IUAV  

 Venice, Italy  

Born on 19th January 1945 in Vigodarzere (Padua). In 1969 he graduated in Civil Engineering at the University of Padua. 

At present he is full professor of Structural Mechanics at the University IUAV of Venice, Consultant Professor at the College of Civil Engineering of Tongji University, Shanghai-China, Adjunct Professor at Fuzhou University, Fuzhou-China and Vice-Head of CUN, National University Council at the Ministry of Education in Rome (2007-2012) currently Adviser, Honorary President and member of Progeest S.r.l.

Awarded the honorary degree in Architecture by Politecnico di Bari, December 10th, 2009. After his Graduation in Structural Engineering at the University of Padua, over the years he has carried out in-depth research into the theme of Bridges, devoting a large part of his Academic activity to teaching structures to architects in order to reach the highest point of connection between structure and form, mechanical behaviour and aesthetics features.

Adventures with Structural Glass


James O' Callaghan

BEng (Hons), CEng,
MI Struct E, MHKIE 

   eckersley o´callaghan 
London. UK

James and Brian Eckersley formed the structural design consultancy Eckersley O’Callaghan in 2004 and have worked together to realise their shared vision of a pioneering structural design practice that truly integrates architecture and engineering. The practice now has offices in London, New York, Paris, Shanghai and is active globally.

Acknowledged as an authority on the structural use of glass, James is perhaps best known for his highly innovative glass stairs, bridges, facades  and other structural elements in a range of Apple’s flagship retail stores including Tokyo, Sydney, Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York and London,

His on-going interest in the development of structural glass design has led to the firm’s involvement with many challenging and award winning glass projects around the world. This was recognised in the 2010 when the practice won the Queens Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category. James regularly holds informative sessions for industry wide professionals to pass on the experiences in design of glass. He is regularly asked to be a keynote speaker at notable international glass industry conventions around the world such as Glasstech and Glass Performance Days. The whole company is committed to R+D with staff regularly producing papers for publication.

Recently James formed a Facade Engineering Group within the practice that specialises in high end facade systems, material research, geometry optimisation, energy mitigation and sustainability. The group serves projects worldwide and aims to become a leader in this field of engineering.

Following his commitment to projects in Hong Kong and Asia, James became a Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers in 2011.

Materials science, bridging the gap between architecture, architectural engineering and structural engineering  


Frederic Veer   

Delft, The Netherlands  

Frederic Veer studied materials science engineering in Delft from 1983 to 1988. He was a PhD researcher working on mechanical behaviour of materials specialising in fatigue and fracture mechanics obtaining a PhD in 1993. In 1994 he was appointed Assistant Professor for materials science at the Delft Faculty of Architecture. He started research on glass as a structural material in Architecture in 1995, in which field he has worked since then. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2007 and is currently coordinating the work of the glass research group in Delft. He has several patents relating to structural glass and authored and co-authored over 100 papers.

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