Parametric Reciprocal Structures |

One of the central challenges that needs to be maintained throughout new structural and constructional design pedagogy is how to impart knowledge about structural and constructive concepts in a manner that enhances the capacity to understand and apply them in design.
Promoted under the auspices of ICSA2016 this workshop had it genesis in proposals developed by students of the course of Special Structures of the Master in Architecture of the School of Architecture of the University of Minho (EAUM). The solutions designed by the students focused on the design of a reciprocal structure to be built at the Design Institute of Guimarães (former Tanning Factory of Ramada). The one which proposed a structural hexagonal grid was selected.

The workshop will involve EAUM students and staff to implement constructive solutions, in the manufacturing of all components and in the assembling of the structure: approximately 300 bars wil lbe produced and more than 500 bolted connections will be used.
The initiative aims to explore architectural and structural design concepts, embracing the research of: methods and processes of designing thinking; simulation and processing tools; and manufacturing concepts and materials.
The computational model Reciprocalizer, developed by Prof. Dario Parigi from the University of Aalborg, was used for the morphological design exploration. This model allows: generating three-dimensional reciprocal grids, characterized by a high degree of freedom and formal experimentation; defining the geometric pattern of the mesh; adapting to the context; and designing the building components.
The proposed combination of creative aspects in the conception and construction of structures, advanced technologies and complex architectural and structural applications represents a valuable learning experience of collaborative work.
Organization: Prof. Paulo Cruz and Prof.Bruno Figueiredo